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Ternstroemia gymnanthera

Ternstroemia gymnanthera
cleyera; Japanese ternstroemia

Ternstroemia gymnanthera
cleyera; Japanese ternstroemia
Odd flowers in May

Common name cleyera; Japanese ternstroemia
Family ternstroemiaceae
Life cycle shrub (Z7-10)
Flowers white
Size 8-10'
Light part-full shade
Cultural notes average garden soil

Broadleaf evergreen shrub with glossy smooth-margined leaves. New growth comes in with a copper color, and matures to mid-green. A popular specimen or hedge shrub in the southern U.S., since it is relatively pest-free and responds well to pruning or shearing. White flowers and the berries that follow are not particularly showy. The ones in our garden were placed as part of the builder's landscaping package, strategically located to hide eyesores as they attain some bulk.

In our garden, this plant grows in the following area: houston front yard

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Last modified: June 01, 2020
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