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Thalictrum aquilegiifolium

Thalictrum aquilegiifolium
meadow rue
This photo shows how from a bit farther away, the flowerheads just look like big pastel puffs

Synonym(s) Thalictrum aquilegifolium
Common name meadow rue
Family ranunculaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z5-9)
Flowers lavender (May-June)
Size 2-3'
Light sun-part shade
Cultural notes ordinary garden soil, not too dry
From seed needs cold stratification to germinate; perhaps a warm stratification is also required, before the cold.
detailed seed-starting info below
Seed ripensearly July

Attractive flowers and foliage. We had this in our garden years ago, but that time it lasted only two seasons. Finally, after several attempts at starting them from seed, we have produced flowering plants. Hopefully, these will last longer in our garden. The cushy side garden location, with morning sun and afternoon shade, should provide just the conditions they need, so that we can continue to enjoy their frothy lavender flowers in late May.

Thalictrum aquilegiifolium
Cool fruit follows the flowers
meadow rue
Prim buds

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

Read about all the meadow rues in our garden

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from '01 trade. Baggy, 35F (9w)-70F (no germination)
  2. Same seed as above. Baggy, 70F (25d)-35F (6w)-70F (1w, no germination)
  3. Seed from '03 trade. Baggy, 70F (23d)-35F (4w)-70F (70%G, 8-15d)
  4. Seed for 'Atropurpureum' from '06 trade. Baggy 35F (4w) - 70F (25d; no G; moldy)
    Seed for 'Album' from '06 trade. Baggy 35F (4w) - 70F (8w; no G)
  5. Seed from '07 garden. Removed husks. Baggy 35F (7w) - 70F (69%G, 6-14d)
  6. Same seed as above. Baggy 35F (8w) - 70F (no G, 2w; moldy)
  7. Seed from '09 garden, stored cold until sowing. Baggy 35F (8w) - 70F (94%G, 3-12d)
  8. Seed from '14 garden, cold-stored. Baggy 35F (8w) - 70F (87%G, 9-15d)

Seed loses viability quickly. Cool storage conditions probably help.

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