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Trachelospermum jasminoides

Trachelospermum jasminoides
star jasmine; confederate jasmin
Red highlights in late fall
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Flower on an upward vine

Common name star jasmine; confederate jasmin
Family apocynaceae
Life cycle tender shrub (Z8-11)
Flowers white (spring)
Size 3-6'
Light sun-part shade
Cultural notes ordinary garden soil, not too dry

Twining, evergreen shrub that can serve in the garden as a vine, an unruly shrub, or trailing as a groundcover. The white flowers that appear on stem tips in spring (and sporadically later in the year) have a sweet fragrance. The glossy-green oval leaves are attractive in their own right, and are borne on contrasting dark brown stems, which ooze a milky sap when cut. Although this species resembles some true jasmines, they are not related.
Our plants came to us as small potted plants, low-growing and resembling groundcovers. I placed them in two areas of our back yard, where they received part-day sun, and they have thrived in both places. In fact, they thrived a little too much, so that I've spent some time more recently hacking back at the thickets, reducing their range – but I like them well enough that I'm willing to spend some effort managing their vigor. On the north side of the house, they have started to climb up a downspout (helped along by some other vines that use the same support), and it is there that I spotted a flower in early May – in the years that it has dwelt as a groundcover, I never saw flowers, so perhaps they need to go up to bloom.

In our garden, this plant grows in the following areas: right fence border, foundation border, houston front yard

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Last modified: May 04, 2022
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