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Yucca filifera

Yucca filifera
Mexican tree yucca
White curly fibers extend from the leaf borders
Common name Mexican tree yucca
Family agavaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z8-10)
Flowers white
Size to 8'
Light sun
Cultural notes well drained soil; drought-tolerant

I bought this thinking it would be a nice narrow-leaved yucca species, imagining a ground-tethered rosette like Y. filamentosa or Hesperaloe parviflora. As it turns out, this grows much different (and larger) than those in time, to a tree stature that looks like something of a cross between a Joshua tree and a cycad. I suspect it will take very long to reach that point, so in the meantime I'll try to find a spot in our garden where it can do its thing so I can observe it.
Our plant had to endure the freak freeze of February 2021. As shown in the photos below, the immediate aftermath held out some promise for survival, with a lot of green remaining in the leaves; however, a month later all life had left the top growth. I'll be watching for regrowth from the base...

Yucca filifera
In the immediate aftermath of the February 2021 freeze...
Mexican tree yucca
...and a few weeks later

This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away...

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Last modified: March 20, 2021
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