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Gentiana tibetica

Common name Tibetan gentian
Family gentianaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z6)
Flowers white
Size 12"
Light sun-part shade
Cultural notes ordinary garden soil
From seed Give cold stratification, before germinating at room temperature. Exposure to light is helpful.
detailed seed-starting info below
Seed ripensearly October

Glossy, broad leaves, the largest among the gentians I've grown, maintain a strong presence in the garden throughout the growing season. White flowers appear in July. As the species name suggests, this is native to the Himalayas, where it occurs along roadsides and forest margins.

Gentiana tibetica
Tibetan gentian

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from '05 trade. Baggy 70F (3w) - 35F (38d) - 70F (90%G, 6-9d)
  2. Seed from '07 garden. Baggy 70F (3w) - 35F (6w) - 70F (90%G, 6-14d)
  3. Seed from '08 garden. Baggy 70F (3w; several G, 12-15d, but seedlings did not develop) - 35F (6w) - 70F (10d) - 70F with light (many G, 3-17d)
  4. Seed from '09 garden. Baggy 70F (30%G, 10-27d; seedlings did not develop).
    Also Baggy 35F (6w) - 70F (56%G, 6-14). Although survival rate of germinated seeds was still low, those planted after their leaves were allowed to unfurl inside the baggy had a better probability of developing
  5. Seed from '09 garden. Baggy 35F (6w) - 70F (60%G, 6-18d). Again very low yield of plants from sprouted seeds.
  6. Seed from '09 garden. Baggy 35F (7w) - 70F (30%G, 10-16d). Yield low once again.
  7. Same seed as above. Baggy 35F (7w) - 70F (no G, 8w)

The 2009 trial suggests light is beneficial. Both 2009 and 2010 support the need for a cold stage in order for seedlings to be vigorous enough to develop.

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