The table below shows which plant pages I've updated most recently. Some updates are significant, others trivial. But there's usually
something going on around here!
| Botanical and common name | Changes |
| Dahlia merckii
no photos |
2025‑01‑19: created new page, updated horticultural information, updated germination information, updated descriptive information | |
| Ipomoea quamoclit cypress vine 3 photos |
2025‑01‑19: updated germination information | |
| Hippeastrum hybrids amaryllis 24 photos |
2025‑01‑18: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Crocanthemum carolinianum Carolina rockrose; Carolina frostweed no photos |
2025‑01‑17: created new page, updated horticultural information, updated germination information, updated descriptive information | |
| Eryngium planum flat sea holly 3 photos |
2025‑01‑17: updated germination information | |
| Penstemon cobaea showy beard-tongue 3 photos |
2025‑01‑17: updated germination information | |
| Passiflora 'Victoria' passionflower 5 photos |
2025‑01‑15: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Hippeastrum hybrids amaryllis 24 photos |
2025‑01‑11: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information, deleted 1 photograph | |
| Delosperma lavisiae ice plant 2 photos |
2025‑01‑11: updated germination information | |
| Diplarrena latifolia
no photos |
2025‑01‑10: updated germination information | |
| Salvia texana Texas sage 3 photos |
2025‑01‑10: updated germination information | |
| Senna splendida showy senna; golden wonder 9 photos |
2025‑01‑10: updated germination information | |
| Hibiscus coccineus scarlet rose mallow 4 photos |
2025‑01‑08: updated germination information | |
| Hibiscus phoeniceus South American mallow 3 photos |
2025‑01‑08: updated germination information | |
| Echinocereus rigidissimus ssp. rubispinus rainbow hedgehog cactus; Sonoran rainbow cactus no photos |
2025‑01‑08: created new page, updated horticultural information, updated germination information, updated descriptive information | |
| Hypericum graveolens mountain St. John's wort no photos |
2025‑01‑08: created new page, updated horticultural information, updated germination information, updated descriptive information | |
| Talinum calycinum large fameflower 7 photos |
2025‑01‑05: added photograph(s) | |
| Oenothera serrulata shrubby evening primrose; toothed yellow sundrops no photos |
2025‑01‑05: created new page, updated horticultural information, updated germination information, updated descriptive information | |
| Agave americana ssp. protamericana century plant; American aloe no photos |
2025‑01‑05: updated germination information | |
| Cherleria laricifolia
no photos |
2025‑01‑05: updated germination information | |
| Oxalis regnellii lucky shamrock 5 photos |
2025‑01‑04: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Cypella herbertii goblet flower no photos |
2025‑01‑03: updated germination information | |
| Clitoria ternatea butterfly pea; blue pea 1 photo |
2025‑01‑03: updated germination information | |
| Penstemon palmeri Palmer penstemon; balloon flower 1 photo |
2025‑01‑03: updated germination information | |
| Unidentified unknown 2 photos |
2025‑01‑01: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Dasylirion wheeleri sotol; desert spoon 2 photos |
2025‑01‑01: updated germination information | |
| Pelargonium aridum
no photos |
2025‑01‑01: updated germination information | |
| Moraea comptonii Cape tulip no photos |
2025‑01‑01: updated germination information, updated horticultural information, updated descriptive information | |
| Ficus carica fig 3 photos |
2025‑01‑01: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information, deleted 1 photograph | |
| Olea europaea 'Arbequina' olive 6 photos |
2025‑01‑01: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Osmanthus fragrans f. aurantiacus 'Apricot Echo' sweet olive 3 photos |
2024‑12‑31: deleted 1 photograph, added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Zanthoxylum clava-herculis Hercules club; southern prickly ash 15 photos |
2024‑12‑31: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Cornus drummondii roughleaf dogwood 4 photos |
2024‑12‑31: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Sambucus canadensis American elderberry 2 photos |
2024‑12‑30: created new page, added photograph(s), updated botanical name, updated horticultural information, updated descriptive information | |
| Crocosmia masoniorum giant montbretia no photos |
2024‑12‑30: created new page, updated horticultural information, updated germination information, updated descriptive information | |
| Hydrangea macrophylla Endless Summer BloomStruck ('PIIHM-II' hydrangea 3 photos |
2024‑12‑29: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Manfreda maculosa deciduous agave 9 photos |
2024‑12‑29: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information, deleted 1 photograph | |
| Habranthus robustus Argentine rain lily 11 photos |
2024‑12‑29: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Citrus reticulata 'Owari' and 'Okitsu-Wase' satsuma 10 photos |
2024‑12‑28: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Nymphaea (tropical hybrids) tropical waterlily 4 photos |
2024‑12‑28: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Saururus cernuus lizard's tail 4 photos |
2024‑12‑28: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Bukiniczia cabulica
4 photos |
2024‑12‑28: updated germination information | |
| Bauhinia galpinii red orchid tree; pride of de Kaap 5 photos |
2024‑12‑28: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Zanthoxylum clava-herculis Hercules club; southern prickly ash 15 photos |
2024‑12‑27: updated descriptive information, added photograph(s) | |
| Olea europaea 'Arbequina' olive 6 photos |
2024‑12‑27: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |
| Amyris madrensis mountain torchwood; Sierra Madre torchwood 3 photos |
2024‑12‑27: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information | |