Rob's plants
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Recently updated plants

The table below shows which plant pages I've updated most recently. Some updates are significant, others trivial. But there's usually something going on around here!
Botanical and common nameChanges
Dahlia merckii

no photos
2025‑01‑19: created new page, updated horticultural information, updated germination information, updated descriptive information
Ipomoea quamoclit
cypress vine
3 photos
2025‑01‑19: updated germination information
Hippeastrum hybrids
24 photos
2025‑01‑18: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Crocanthemum carolinianum
Carolina rockrose; Carolina frostweed
no photos
2025‑01‑17: created new page, updated horticultural information, updated germination information, updated descriptive information
Eryngium planum
flat sea holly
3 photos
2025‑01‑17: updated germination information
Penstemon cobaea
showy beard-tongue
3 photos
2025‑01‑17: updated germination information
Passiflora 'Victoria'
5 photos
2025‑01‑15: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Hippeastrum hybrids
24 photos
2025‑01‑11: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information, deleted 1 photograph
Delosperma lavisiae
ice plant
2 photos
2025‑01‑11: updated germination information
Diplarrena latifolia

no photos
2025‑01‑10: updated germination information
Salvia texana
Texas sage
3 photos
2025‑01‑10: updated germination information
Senna splendida
showy senna; golden wonder
9 photos
2025‑01‑10: updated germination information
Hibiscus coccineus
scarlet rose mallow
4 photos
2025‑01‑08: updated germination information
Hibiscus phoeniceus
South American mallow
3 photos
2025‑01‑08: updated germination information
Echinocereus rigidissimus ssp. rubispinus
rainbow hedgehog cactus; Sonoran rainbow cactus
no photos
2025‑01‑08: created new page, updated horticultural information, updated germination information, updated descriptive information
Hypericum graveolens
mountain St. John's wort
no photos
2025‑01‑08: created new page, updated horticultural information, updated germination information, updated descriptive information
Talinum calycinum
large fameflower
7 photos
2025‑01‑05: added photograph(s)
Oenothera serrulata
shrubby evening primrose; toothed yellow sundrops
no photos
2025‑01‑05: created new page, updated horticultural information, updated germination information, updated descriptive information
Agave americana ssp. protamericana
century plant; American aloe
no photos
2025‑01‑05: updated germination information
Cherleria laricifolia

no photos
2025‑01‑05: updated germination information
Oxalis regnellii
lucky shamrock
5 photos
2025‑01‑04: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Cypella herbertii
goblet flower
no photos
2025‑01‑03: updated germination information
Clitoria ternatea
butterfly pea; blue pea
1 photo
2025‑01‑03: updated germination information
Penstemon palmeri
Palmer penstemon; balloon flower
1 photo
2025‑01‑03: updated germination information
2 photos
2025‑01‑01: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Dasylirion wheeleri
sotol; desert spoon
2 photos
2025‑01‑01: updated germination information
Pelargonium aridum

no photos
2025‑01‑01: updated germination information
Moraea comptonii
Cape tulip
no photos
2025‑01‑01: updated germination information, updated horticultural information, updated descriptive information
Ficus carica
3 photos
2025‑01‑01: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information, deleted 1 photograph
Olea europaea 'Arbequina'
6 photos
2025‑01‑01: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Osmanthus fragrans f. aurantiacus 'Apricot Echo'
sweet olive
3 photos
2024‑12‑31: deleted 1 photograph, added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
Hercules club; southern prickly ash
15 photos
2024‑12‑31: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Cornus drummondii
roughleaf dogwood
4 photos
2024‑12‑31: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Sambucus canadensis
American elderberry
2 photos
2024‑12‑30: created new page, added photograph(s), updated botanical name, updated horticultural information, updated descriptive information
Crocosmia masoniorum
giant montbretia
no photos
2024‑12‑30: created new page, updated horticultural information, updated germination information, updated descriptive information
Hydrangea macrophylla Endless Summer BloomStruck ('PIIHM-II'
3 photos
2024‑12‑29: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Manfreda maculosa
deciduous agave
9 photos
2024‑12‑29: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information, deleted 1 photograph
Habranthus robustus
Argentine rain lily
11 photos
2024‑12‑29: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Citrus reticulata 'Owari' and 'Okitsu-Wase'
10 photos
2024‑12‑28: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Nymphaea (tropical hybrids)
tropical waterlily
4 photos
2024‑12‑28: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Saururus cernuus
lizard's tail
4 photos
2024‑12‑28: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Bukiniczia cabulica

4 photos
2024‑12‑28: updated germination information
Bauhinia galpinii
red orchid tree; pride of de Kaap
5 photos
2024‑12‑28: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
Hercules club; southern prickly ash
15 photos
2024‑12‑27: updated descriptive information, added photograph(s)
Olea europaea 'Arbequina'
6 photos
2024‑12‑27: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information
Amyris madrensis
mountain torchwood; Sierra Madre torchwood
3 photos
2024‑12‑27: added photograph(s), updated descriptive information

home garden plants wildlife seed plant sale topics guestbook journal plantlinks

Last modified: January 19, 2025
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