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Talinum paniculatum

Talinum paniculatum
jewels of Opar
Talinum paniculatum

Common name jewels of Opar
Family portulacaceae
Life cycle annual/greenhouse perennial
Flowers pink (summer)
Size 2'
Light sun
Cultural notes ordinary garden soil
From seed Germinate at room temperature, do not exclude light.
detailed seed-starting info below
Seed ripensmid-October

Popular in seed exchanges although not often found in nurseries, the chartreuse foliage of this plant has a soft appearance, giving this plant a delicate look. This is one of the few plants that has done equally well for us in our Pennsylvania and Texas gardens, generously self-seeding in both situations. Usually more seedlings appear than are wanted, but they are easy to remove, so I've not found it to be a nuisance. It is mostly an annual, even in the Houston area, but grows quickly in spring to produce abundant flowers by the middle of May. The individual flowers, on airy stalks, are small, but are nice massed together, especially with the red bead-like buds and fruits. A favorite with bees.

jewels of Opar
Talinum paniculatum
jewels of Opar
Self-sown patch near our Houston rock garden

In our garden, this plant grows in the following areas: back fence border, rock garden zone, foundation border

Seed for this plant is included on my seed trade list

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from '02 AHS exchange. Gelcup 70F under light (good germination, 2-3d)
  2. Seed from '02 garden. Baggy 70F with light (80%G, 10-13d)
  3. Same seed as above. Baggy 70F with light (80%G, 9-11d)
  4. Seed from '04 garden. Baggy 70F with light (95%G, 10-13d)
  5. Seed from '07 garden. Baggy 70F with light (100%G, 9-14d)
  6. Seed from '07 garden. Baggy 70F with light (100%G, 8-13d)
  7. Seed from '10 garden. Baggy 70F with light (28%G, 6-9d)
  8. Seed from '11 garden. Baggy 70F with light (73%G, 10-12d)
  9. Seed from '11 garden. Baggy 70F with light (55+%G, 9-12d)
  10. Seed from '14 garden. Baggy 70F with light (77%G, 12-15d)

Sprouted seeds deteriorate quickly in baggy - get potted up fast.

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Last modified: May 16, 2020
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