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Salvia greggii

Salvia greggii
from seed for 'Furman's Red'
autumn sage
Salvia greggii

Common name autumn sage
Family lamiaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z7-10)
Flowers red (summer)
Size 24-36"
Light sun-part shade
Cultural notes heat and drought tolerant
From seed germinate at room temperature; light may be helpful
detailed seed-starting info below
Seed ripensmid-October

We've grown autumn sage before, from seed collected in a Philadelphia garden. Those bloomed in their second year, but didn't return for a third, which I attributed to their zone-7 hardiness (our Pennsylvania garden was in zone 6). The 'Furman's Red' cultivar is supposedly hardy to zone 6, although you never know what you get from seed. Even grown as an annual it's great - our plants bloomed profusely over neat crinkly foliage, from late summer well into fall. Those plants did not make it through the winter, so I gave up growing them in Pennsylvania. Now that we're in Texas, I decided to try again, with a store-bought cultivar named 'Lipstick' with small leaves and a bushy habit, which is evergreen here even in the harshest winters Houston throws at us, but proved relatively short-lived. Another cultivar, 'Cherry Queen', has a more upright habit and has lasted several years.

autumn sage
Starting to fade in early November, still a rich color combo on this seed-grown plant
Salvia greggii
autumn sage
'Lipstick' in late November...
Salvia greggii
...and in mid-February
autumn sage
'Cherry Queen' blooming in early May

In our garden, this plant grows in the following area: rock garden zone

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from '05 trade. Baggy 70F (30%G, 4-10d) - 75F (5d) - 70F with light (5%G, 5d)
  2. Seed from '05 trade: Baggy 70F (50%G, 4-10d)
    Seed from '06 garden: Baggy 70F (22%G, 10-20d)
  3. Seed from '05 trade. Baggy 70F (25%G, 4-6d)
  4. Seed for 'Color Mix' from NARGS '12/'13 exchange. Baggy 70F (89%G, 4-9d)

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