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Spiraea x vanhouttei

Spiraea x vanhouttei
Synonym(s) Spiraea aquilegifolia var. vanhouttei
Common name spirea
Family rosaceae
Life cycle deciduous shrub
Flowers white (May)
Size 4'
Light sun-part shade
Cultural notes ordinary garden soil

Most of the year, these are just decent filler shrubs, that screen our patio from the back yard. The real show is in May, when long showy sprays of bright white flowers make their appearance. When we relax on our patio swing at dusk, it's almost as if they light up the whole area. Usually, the flowers get so heavy that the whole thing flops, which is somewhat annoying, but we gladly put up with it.

Spiraea x vanhouttei
Growing through and over our split-rail fence
Spiraea x vanhouttei

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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Last modified: June 01, 2009
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