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Tommasinia verticillaris

Tommasinia verticillaris
hog's fennel; milk parsley
Tommasinia verticillaris
The red stems and veins are a nice touch

Synonym(s) Peucedanum verticillare
Common name hog's fennel; milk parsley
Family apiaceae
Life cycle biennial
Flowers greenish white (spring)
Size 6-10'
Light sun-part shade
Seed ripensearly August

Tall umbellifer. It was a challenge to find the right spot for it (it seems like most eligible locations in my garden already have a tall umbellifer, such as fennel, lovage, or angelica). But I came up with a place next to our filtration bog, where it has persisted for several years now. Presumably by self-seeding, if it is indeed a biennial – although there is ever only one obvious plant at a time.
As far as I could tell, they didn't shoot up or bloom in their second year of life, but at least some returned in year three (so take the "biennial" status with a grain of salt). They started off robust in their third spring (see photo below, taken late April), and soon were reaching for the sky. The photos above were taken about a week apart in early June; in the one at right, the plant reaches about 8 feet tall.

hog's fennel; milk parsley

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from HPS/MAG '09/'10 exchange. Baggy 35F (6w) - 70F (10%G, 6-9d).
    Baggy 70F (4w; 14%G, 15-21d of which half developed) - 35F (4w) - 70F (25%G, 6d)
  2. Same seed as above. Baggy 70F (3w) - 35F (6w) - 70F (3%G, 16d). Single sprouted seed did not develop
  3. Seed from '12 garden. Baggy 70F (4w) - 35F (6w) - 70F (4w; no G)
  4. Seed from '14 garden, cold-stored. Baggy 70F (3w) - 35F (6w) - 70F (4%G, 8-11d)

Providing some room temperature conditioning before the cold period appears to be helpful. Almost certainly short-viable.

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