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Plant family: verbenaceae


I use the GRIN online query system to determine plant families. The list below shows the plants in my database listed as members of the verbenaceae family. Click on the botanical name of any plant to go to the plant portrait. For a list of all the plant families represented in our garden, see my families page.

Botanical name Common name Category FlowersSize
Aloysia virgata almond verbenashrub (Z8-11) white (spring-fall)10-12'
Clerodendrum thomsoniae bleeding heart clerodendronshrub (Z9-11) white/red (summer-fall)vine to 15'
Duranta erecta golden dewdrop, pigeonberryshrub (Z9-11) blueto 18'
Glandularia canadensis 'Perfecta' rose vervainperennial deep violet
Lantana camara common lantanatender perennial various colors24"
Lantana montevidensis trailing lantanaperennial (Z8-11) various colors (spring-fall)12"
Nashia inaguensis moujean tea; Bahama berryshrub (Z9-11) cream (late summer-fall)to 7'
Phyla nodiflora Texas frogfruit; turkey tangle fogfruitperennial (Z8-11) white (spring-fall)6"
Stachytarpheta cayennensis blue porterweedperennial (Z9-11) purple-blue
Verbena 'Tapien' vervainperennial (Z8-11) violet4-6"
Verbena bonariensis purple-top vervaintender perennial purple3'
Verbena hastata blue vervainperennial (Z3-8) violet-blue (summer)3'
Verbena peruviana 'Enduro Blue' perennial (Z8-10) purple-blue8-12"
Verbena stricta woolly vervainperennial lavender (June)4'

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Last modified: December 11, 2014
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